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Global settings

To change a global setting use .set command as defined below:

.set <variable> <value>

For example:

.set auth-time 1m

There are 5 types of values:

  • boolean
  • integer
  • percentage
  • time
  • enum

A boolean value can be expressed in binary notation (0 and 1) or using the strings ON and OFF. For example:

.set public-away 0


.set public-away OFF

A time value can be expressed as integer (the number of seconds) or using the time notation (w=week, d=day, h=hour, m=minute, s=seconds). For example:

.set auth-time 300


.set auth-time 5m

A enum value can be expressed by few predefined constants (see the table below). Other types don’t need to be explained.

To see the current settings just type .set without arguments.

The table below describes all settings with respective type and acceptable values:

Variable Type Values Description
ask-for-op-delay time <1s - 60s> after this time bot asks for op if he wasn’t opped before
auth-time time < 15s - 6m > all unauthorised connections are closed after this time
away-time time < 1m - Infinity > bots will stay away for this time
bIe-mode-bounce-time time < 0s - Infinity > after this time bots will remove b/e/I channel modes
backup-mode-delay time < 0s - 60s > (to be filled)
between-msg-delay time < 10s - Infinity > delay time between sending messages when bots are not away (anti-idle)
chat-time time < 60s - Infinity > bots will stay not away for this time
clone-life-time time < 0s - Infinity > time after witch clones are deleted from clone list
conn-timeout time < 16s - 10m > time after witch all authorsied inacive connection are being closed
critical-bots integer < 0 - Infinity > description
cycle-delay time < 0s - 60s > time after the bots will enter channel after a part in a cycle
dont-trust-ops enum <0 | 1 | 2> 0 : disabled
1 : ops (that dont have +f) can op only users that have +s or bots
2 : ops (that dont have +f) can op only users that have +s
get-op-check boolean <ON | OFF> description
host-clones integer <0 - Infinity> number of same-host process to be recognized as clones
hub-conn-delay time <10s - 1h> description
ident-clones integer <0 - Infinity> number of same-ident process to be recognized as clones
irc-conn-delay time <10s - 1h> description
keep-nick-check-delay time <5s - 1d> time after bots will check for nick availability  
max-matches integer <0 - Infinity> description
ops-per-mode enum <0 | 1 | 2 | 3> number of ops in one line when there are enemies in the channel
perip-burst-size integer < 1 - Infinity> description
perip-burst-time time < 0s - Infinity> description
perip-ignore-time time < 0s - Infinity> description
perip-max-shown-conns integer < 0 - Infinity> description
pre-0.2.11-final-compat boolean < ON | OFF > description
pre-0.2.3-final-compat boolean < ON\ | OFF > description
private-ctcp boolean < ON | OFF > description
proxy-clones integer < 0 - Infinity> description
public-away boolean < ON | OFF > description
quarantine-time time < 0s - 2m > description
randomness percentage < 0% - 100%> description
rejoin-delay time < 0s - 60s > description
rejoin-fail-delay time < 7s - 60s > description
remember-old-keys boolean < ON | OFF > description
synflood-ignore-time time < 0s - Infinity > description
synflood-max-conns integer < 1 - Infinity > description
telnet-owners enum < 0 | 1 | 2> 0 : owners are not allowed to connect via telnet
1 : all owners having +pt flags can connect to main via telnet
2 : only owners having +pt flags set and having their ip added to host list are allowed to connect
wasop-cache-time time < 0s - Infinity > description